Breast Implant Removal

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Dallas, TX

Breast implant removal, also called explant surgery, is a necessary procedure for women with breast implants who require removal or want to restore the look of their natural breasts. Millions of women had implants placed in their youth and later discovered changes in their bodies and breasts over time. Weight loss or pregnancy and breastfeeding may lead to drooping, or ptosis, making the implants look unflattering or unnatural.

Weight gain can cause the breasts to get too big and lead to further sagging over time. More serious cosmetic issues such as capsular contracture, a condition in which too much scar tissue builds up around the implants, can lead women to request an implant removal procedure. In rare circumstances, women require this procedure to address an implant rupture or infection.

As a double-board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over 30 years of experience, Dr. Steven J. White carries out each procedure with the utmost precision, care, and safety. Dr. White can tailor each breast implant removal procedure to produce the best results for your unique body type and cosmetic goals.

If you feel ready to take the next step in your aesthetic transformation, reach out to USA Plastic Surgery in Dallas by calling (214) 696-6676 or requesting your consultation with Dr. White online. We pride ourselves in meeting your needs with sensitivity and professionalism; a member of our staff will get back to you regarding your appointment as soon as possible.

Before and After Photos

Indications for Implant Removal

Today’s silicone and saline breast implants are extremely durable and resilient, but they can’t last a lifetime. While many surgeons estimate that implants have about a 20-year lifespan, others state that breast implant removal should be performed sooner. (1) In one research study that included over 500 women with breast implants, nearly half of them had to get explantation surgery around 10 years after their initial augmentation due to medical concerns. (2)

Many women choose to have their implants removed due to skin wrinkling, asymmetry, or other unwanted changes to the breast due to the natural aging process. Implants can look incredibly natural in the initial years after surgery, but changes in the fat and skin can, and do, occur.

Sometimes, women require this procedure to prevent or correct certain complications:

Capsular Contracture

Although capsular contracture is not normally a medical issue, it can eventually cause pain for many women who let it progress. In a normal breast augmentation, scar tissue around the implants develops into a capsule that offers support. In cases of capsular contracture, this tissue becomes much tighter, sometimes distorting the look of the breast. Although the condition is not harmful, there is sometimes a reason it develops in the first place that needs more prompt attention, like infection, rupture, hematoma, or implant contamination.

Dynamic Distortion

Some women opt for explant surgery due to dynamic distortion, a condition in which the implants move around unnaturally within the chest as the chest muscles, or pectoralis muscles, flex. This can interfere with both exercise and aesthetics.

Implant Rupture

If a saline implant ruptures, the body will be able to absorb the saline solution without any problems, but explant surgery will still be required. Silicone implants, on the other hand, can pose a risk to the immune system if the gel travels to the body’s lymph nodes. (3) Removing ruptured silicone gel breast implants is both tedious and time-consuming since all silicone gel implant material should be removed. Fortunately, this is very uncommon with the latest generation of cohesive silicone gel breast implants. Hence, ruptured silicone gel breast implants are more likely seen with the older breast implants placed decades ago.

Breast Implant Illness (BII)

Breast implant illness is a poorly understood and controversial condition in which some women believe their various symptoms may be due to their breast implants. Even though the condition isn’t well understood, in one research study, about 96% of women with BII symptoms report feeling better after explant surgery. (4)

Candidates for Explant Surgery

The best candidates for removal of breast implants are healthy women who no longer want breast implants. If you’ve been unhappy with the way your breasts look or feel new, unwanted firmness or distortion in your breasts, it may be time to consider removal. Some women want to remove their implants and others prefer to exchange them with breast implant revision. Typically, patients who undergo this procedure are between 40 to 60+ years old.

Personal Consultation

When you schedule a personal consultation with Dr. White, you can expect a thorough evaluation of the aesthetic concerns of your breasts. During this first meeting, he will review your medical history and your candidacy for explant surgery to ensure he goes about it in the safest manner possible. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about the preparation, the procedure itself, and the recovery. You will also discuss with Dr. White whether or not you would like to exchange your implants for another pair or simply remove them and/or undergo a breast lift. To better understand which option is best, patients are advised to call our office at (214) 696-6676 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steven J White, MD at USA Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form, and a member of our staff will reach out to you.

Surgery to Remove Breast Implants

Breast Implant Removal Dr. Steven J. White

Regardless of the reason for explantation, treatment is the same: removal of breast implants and surgical treatment of the capsules.

Implant Removal

Dr. White uses his Elegant Precision™ removal technique to produce the best results possible. First, he will administer the appropriate anesthesia. Next, Dr. White will make an inframammary incision within the bottom crease of each breast to remove the implants. Depending on your unique anatomy, Dr. White may be able to remove them through periareolar incisions he will make around each areola. The incisions are an aspect of the procedure that he will discuss with you during your consultation.

En Bloc Capsulectomy

Capsulectomy, or removal of the scar around the implant, is more challenging. When Dr. White performs an ‘en bloc’ capsulectomy (or total capsulectomy), the goal is to remove the entire fibrous breast implant capsule. If the capsule is tightly adherent to the underlying rib cage, then great care must be taken to remove as much as possible without injuring, or puncturing the lungs which is a very rare but possible risk. Dr. White will cauterize any residual capsule -rather than excise it- to lessen the risk of injury to the lungs or chest wall. Capsulectomy is technically difficult and, when indicated, should be performed thoroughly with precision surgery.

Implant Deflation and Explant Surgery

For patients with saline implants, Dr. White can administer local anesthesia and insert a syringe that will drain the implants before surgical removal. Removing the solution will allow Dr. White to more accurately determine if the patient would benefit from a breast lift following the explant procedure. This technique also minimizes overall scarring.

Breast Lift After Implant Removal

Breast implant removal without replacement of the breast implants or removal of the excess skin typically results in a ‘deflated’ breast appearance due to relative skin excess after implant removal. Ideally, Dr. White can perform a breast lift, or a mastopexy, months later once additional blood supply returns to the breasts and nipple tissues. To perform a breast lift, Dr. White will choose one of these incision techniques to elevate and reposition the breast tissue:

  • A periareolar incision around each areola- this technique is ideal for only a minor amount of tissue ptosis, or sagging.
  • A “keyhole” incision for each breast includes a periareolar incision and one vertical incision towards the underside of the breast; this can correct minor and moderate amounts of ptosis.
  • An “anchor” incision that is similar to a keyhole incision, but with an added inframammary incision; anchor incisions are best for resolving severe ptosis.

Recovery and Results

Following Dr. White’s Elegant Precision™ Breast Implant Removal, most patients are pleasantly surprised to have little or no bruising. Dr. White will typically remove drains within a few days of the surgery. It is typically not painful, but instead bothersome due to the need to remain in a compression vest to maximize skin shrinkage and minimize breast drooping. As the swelling goes down and the skin shrinks over time, patients progress to tighter compression vests to maximize skin shrinkage. Most patients are surprised by how much the tissues eventually shrink and some patients are so pleased with the results that they don’t feel a need for a breast lift.

Cost of Breast Implant Removal in Dallas

The cost of your breast implant removal will depend on anesthesia costs, surgical techniques, any prescribed medications, and follow-up appointments with Dr. White. During your first appointment with him, he will assess your unique situation and provide you with a total cost estimate, taking into consideration all of the above factors.

To book your consultation today, call our office in Dallas at (214) 696-6676 or get in touch with us via our online form. Dr. White and his attentive staff will work to make sure you have a positive experience that will leave you knowledgeable enough to make a well-informed decision regarding your health, confidence, and overall wellness.


  1. Fardo D, Sequeira Campos M, Pensler JM. Breast Augmentation. PubMed. Published 2021.
  2. Zhang, Z., Qi, J., Zhang, X. et al. What Can We Learn from Breast Implant Explantation: a 28-Year, Multicenter Retrospective Study of 1004 Explantation Cases. Aesth Plast Surg (2023).
  3. Swezey E, Shikhman R, Moufarrege R. Breast Implant Rupture. PubMed. Published 2023. Accessed July 20, 2023.
  4. Katsnelson JY, Spaniol JR, Buinewicz JC, Ramsey FV, Buinewicz BR. Outcomes of Implant Removal and Capsulectomy for Breast Implant Illness in 248 Patients. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2021;9(9):e3813. doi: