Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Dallas, TX


Our eyes often dictate whether we look awake and alert, or tired, angry or unhappy. Issues such as lower eyelid puffiness, dark circles or drooping upper eyelids can misrepresent our true mood and temperament. For some patients, these features do not improve, even with plenty of sleep and living a healthy lifestyle. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelids, cosmetic eyelid surgery offered by Dallas, TX plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven J. White, may offer you the improvement you seek.  Also known as blepharoplasty, this surgery can remove drooping skin and excess fat of the upper eyelids, reduce under-eye bags and tighten the lower eyelid skin. Blepharoplasty gives patients a new glow and a rejuvenated facial appearance. It can help women and men look and feel younger and refreshed.

Before and After Photos

Best Candidates

Good candidates for eyelid contouring are men or women who demonstrate:

  • Bags or puffy bulges under the eyes (fatty deposits)
  • Fullness of the upper eyelids (fatty deposits)
  • Excess skin diminishing the natural fold of the upper eyelids
  • Excess skin and wrinkling of the eyelids
  • Impaired vision due to hanging skin on the upper eyelid

What to Expect

During the consultation, we will evaluate the patient’s overall health along with their skin quality, skin looseness, folds, and wrinkles. In addition, the underlying bone anatomy will be assessed and a facial rejuvenation treatment plan will be created that will help attain the best results. There are several variations of a surgical facelift, including a skin-only lift, which is reserved for patients with less sagging, a mid-facelift, which address the cheeks and mid-face area, and for those with severe sagging, a deep-plane lift, which addresses deeper wrinkles and folds. It is very common to combine nonsurgical techniques with a facelift to maximize results. This may include wrinkle fillers or BOTOX, as well as a chemical peel or a laser treatment to address skin irregularities on the surface, such as scars, sunspots and blemishes.

Facelift Recovery

Depending on the extent of the facelift and the patient’s overall health, patients may have an overnight stay or be discharged later in the evening. Swelling and bruising are expected after facelift surgery. The swelling and bruising will start to resolve during the first week after surgery, although this will vary between patients. Usually, patients may go out in public within 10 days with the aid of camouflage make-up. Most patients can resume modest activity in 2-3 weeks.  A complete recovery from a facelift surgery occurs in about 4-6 weeks. Supplemental procedures, such as nonsurgical skin rejuvenation, can usually be performed at this time.

Turn Back the Hands of Time

Facelifts are becoming more and more common, especially with advanced surgical skills and progressive surgical techniques. Experienced surgeons understand the anatomy of the face and produce results that are not only lasting, but also natural by appearance. If you are ready to turn back the hands of time and look younger today, we encourage you to call our plastic surgery office and schedule a complete consultation to learn more.

Facelift FAQs

What Is a Facelift?

A facelift, or “rhytidectomy,” is a surgical procedure designed to improve the most visible signs of the aging process by eliminating excess fat, tightening the muscles beneath the skin of the neck, and removing sagging skin. It doesn’t stop the aging process but merely “sets the clock back.”

What Is a SMAS?

The SMAS is a layer beneath the skin that invests the facial muscles. By tightening the SMAS, the jowls are lifted, the neck is tightened, and the cheeks are elevated. This “deep” or “two-layer” facelift is an improvement over earlier skin-only techniques.

Lasting Results?

No one can say for sure. The clock is turned back but keeps on running. Ten years later, you will look better than if you never had surgery. Many patients never have a second lift, while others may desire further surgery seven to 15 years later.

Scarless Facelift Surgery?

The scars from facelift surgery usually fade and are barely perceptible. In some patients, especially younger ones, endoscopic surgery can be used to lift the eyebrows, remove frown lines, elevate the cheek and jowls, and tighten the neck. This endoscopic surgery can be done with tiny scars. However, if there is excessive skin, it must be removed for the best results through standard facelift incisions.

Time Away From Work?

Most patients are able to return to work in a week. You should allow several weeks before major social engagements.