Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Dallas, TX

An otoplasty is a procedure that improves the aesthetics of the ears, creating harmony between the ears and the face. Dallas, TX plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven J. White, performs ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, for a variety of reasons. Most patients undergo cosmetic ear surgery to reduce the size of large ears or to have prominent ears “pinned back” closer to the head. Ear surgery can also correct torn earlobes and other ear deformities. Most otoplasty procedures are performed on children between the ages of 5 and 14.
About Otoplasty
A nationwide study from the American Society of Plastics Surgeons showed that surgeons performed over 53,000 otoplasties in the year 2020 alone. (1) While it is not considered a popular cosmetic surgery, otoplasty is exceptionally versatile for a wide variety of patients. At birth, the cartilage of the outer ear is already around 52 to 75% of its final adult size- a major reason why the surgery is safe and suitable for young children. (2) It is apparent from birth if a child has prominent ears that protrude outward. To fix this specific aesthetic issue, Dr. White can perform “ear pinning”, the most common variation of otoplasty. He can customize this procedure to address this condition in both ears (bilaterally) or in just one ear (unilaterally). The goal is not only to create a more typical ear positioning but to also correct any shape abnormalities characteristic of prominent ears.
In a normally-developed ear, the antihelix- the upper portion of the outer ear- has a distinct y-shaped fold, providing a dividing line between the superior and inferior crus areas of the ear. An otoplasty can recreate this fold, resolving the unnatural-looking flattened appearance commonly observed in prominent ears. These changes can create a more flattering concha (deepest opening of the outer ear) and rotate the ear lobes inward to a position that is more harmonious with the face. Though Dr. White most commonly corrects standard cases of prominent ears, he can apply subtle cartilage-removal techniques to perform ear reduction, recreating ears that match well the patient’s facial profile.
Before and After Photos
Why Choose Otoplasty?
Ridicule and bullying from a child’s peers can greatly affect their self-esteem, prompting many parents to seek out otoplasty for their kids at an early age. Adults, as well, can undergo the surgery to reshape their ears, improving their overall appearance and self-confidence. Otoplasty involves incisions behind the ear, significantly limiting visible scarring. This type of discreet incision allows Dr. White to access and contour the cartilage of the entire ear auricle (external ear) as needed. The alterations of the surgery promote a more balanced and harmonious positioning of the ears in relation to the head and face.
To learn more about this transformative procedure and if it is right for you, request a consultation with Dr. White at USA Plastic Surgery by calling (214) 696-6676 or inquire with his contact form. A member of Dr. White’s staff will be in contact with you to help you find a time and date that aligns with your schedule. Whether you are looking to reap the benefits of otoplasty or want to explore options for your child, our staff is equipped to provide you with the highest quality care possible.
Best Candidates
Dr. White considers patients as young as 5 years of age as candidates for this procedure, a critical age when many kids begin elementary school. However, as mentioned earlier, otoplasty is a great option for those of any age who demonstrate:
- Problems with self-confidence due to the appearance of their ears
- Oversized ears, or macrotia
- Underdeveloped ear cartilage, or microtia
- Protruding ears
- Torn earlobes from trauma or jewelry
- Stahl’s Ear, a condition characterized by pointier outer ear tips
The most ideal candidates do not have any serious health conditions. Adult patients are non-smokers or are committed to quitting temporarily to optimize the results of their surgery.
Personal Consultation
Otoplasty continues to change the lives of thousands of individuals each year. These men, women, and children once living with self-consciousness have attained higher levels of self-confidence and feel vastly more comfortable with their facial appearance from all angles.
If you relate to this plight and feel ready to take the next step to find surgical advice from an experienced surgeon, we invite you to call Dr. White’s Dallas office at (214) 696-6676 or contact his staff via his online form. During your consultation appointment, Dr. White will review your medical history, your goals for the procedure, and what to expect in terms of recovery and results. He will answer any questions you may have and help you feel self-assured in your decision to undergo this life-changing surgery.

To properly prepare for your procedure, Dr. White will review your current prescriptions and any supplements you take regularly and instruct you to make adjustments, if necessary. In general, you should avoid substances with blood-thinning properties that can cause unwanted bleeding during your procedure and a slower recovery. If you routinely smoke cigarettes or use other nicotine-based products, you should aim to quit for at least a few weeks to optimize your healing mechanisms; this will help you avoid complications post-surgery. For certain patients with health risks, Dr. White may require blood tests to provide clearance for surgery.
Procedure Steps
Before your procedure, Dr. White will administer local anesthesia with a sedative medication, or his anesthesiologist will place you under general anesthesia so you will be completely comfortable and pain-free for the duration of the surgery. To begin, Dr. White will make an incision behind the ear/s to expose the outer ear’s cartilage. He will then make adjustments that involve removal and/or reshaping of the ear to create a normal appearance. He will remove any excess skin if necessary and reposition the ear closer to the head, securing it firmly with permanent sutures. Dr. White will take into account many variables to redefine the ears in the most optimal way possible. The results will leave patients with long-lasting and natural-looking improvements. The procedure itself typically takes around 2 hours to complete, and Dr. White and his team will briefly monitor you before discharging you to return home the same day. You will not be able to drive on your own due to the residual effects of anesthesia, so you should make arrangements for someone to escort you home on the day of your procedure.
Recovery and Results
Immediately after surgery, Dr. White will apply a head dressing to keep the tissues well-protected, but he will remove the dressing during the first follow-up office visit. He will request that you wear a specialized elastic headband for several more weeks to allow the cartilage to heal well in its proper position. Minor swelling and bruising are completely normal side effects to expect during your otoplasty recovery. Within a couple of weeks, they will begin to resolve, and the new contours of the ear/s will become more apparent.
The healing process will vary between individuals. In general, you should avoid exercise and other strenuous activities for at least 1 to 2 months post-surgery. If your child is the one to undergo the surgery, you should be mindful of supervising them closely so that they do not scratch or pick at their ears during this critical healing period.
Despite this recovery period, most patients will be able to return to work or school within just 1 week, and the results will settle in at around 2 to 3 months as the ears “relax” into their final positioning. When performed with surgical precision and excellence, the cosmetic improvements of otoplasty last a lifetime.
Cost of an Otoplasty in Dallas
The cost of your otoplasty will depend on your treatment plan. Dr. White will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the total cost estimate at the time of your consultation and take the time to highlight how your investment will translate to incredible results.
To get started exploring your options with otoplasty, call his Dallas location at (214) 696-6676 or reach out online. Although otoplasty is not commonly covered by insurance, some will reimburse the cost if performed for a young child. Dr. White prides himself in his high surgical standards and participation in ongoing training, granting him the ability to provide his patients with unmatched care and professionalism.
Will I have visible scars from an otoplasty?
For otoplasty, surgeons make one main incision behind each affected ear, so any resulting scar will not be noticeable.
What cosmetic issues can an otoplasty correct?
Most commonly, surgeons perform otoplasty to correct prominent ears that project outward more than usual, but otoplasty can address a range of other issues as well. Surgeons can customize this procedure to fix too large or too small ears and other cartilage deformities like Stahl’s ear.
What anesthesia is required for an otoplasty?
Depending on the extent of the procedure and your health, your surgeon can administer local anesthesia with sedation or utilize general anesthesia.
What is the age requirement for otoplasty?
Patients as young as 5 years of age can undergo otoplasty since the ears are nearly fully developed at this age.
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Plastic Surgery Statistics Report.; 2020. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/News/Statistics/2020/plastic-surgery-statistics-report-2020.pdf
- Purkait R. Progression of Growth in the External Ear from Birth to Maturity: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study in India. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2013;37(3):605-616. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00266-013-0097-1