Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Dallas, TX

A tummy tuck is a procedure that allows patients to restore a flat, toned abdomen with tightened, more youthful skin. Sometimes, diet and exercise regimes are not enough to help you attain the contours you want. Lax skin, stubborn pockets of fat, and separated abdominal muscles can remain, no matter the number of sit-ups and other core exercises you do daily.
If you feel dissatisfied with the irregular, protruding appearance of your stomach, you may want to consider a tummy tuck. This procedure, also called an abdominoplasty, involves surgically excising lax skin, tightening the abdominal muscles, and removing excess fat in the area. The outcome promotes a sleek profile and an attractive tummy you can feel confident with. The surgery is also extremely popular among women who want to eliminate the appearance of stretch marks from pregnancy.
Dallas, Texas double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven J. White, has performed many successful abdominoplasties resulting in enhanced, beautified contours. Unflattering excess fat and loose skin within this region is common after hormone fluctuations from pregnancy, weight loss, and the natural aging process. A tummy tuck can provide permanent results with weight maintenance, leaving patients highly satisfied and comfortable with their bodies. If you are ready to take the next step toward renewing your body confidence and refining your natural beauty, call Dr. White’s practice, USA Plastic Surgery, at (214) 833-6751 or fill out his contact form. A staff member will help you along the process of scheduling your first consultation.
Before and After Photos
About Abdominal Laxity and Fat
Abdominal fat develops and stays for a wide variety of reasons that are not always easy to address. Many who struggle to attain their vision of an ideal midsection are genetically predisposed to gaining weight in that area. Even after implementing a specific diet and exercise routine with other lifestyle changes, many may not see the results they want.
Diastasis Recti
After giving birth, women often cannot achieve their pre-pregnancy body due to a condition called diastasis recti. This develops as a result of separated abdominal muscles, leading to a belly bulge that will not go away with weight loss. (1) Skin laxity is another common issue that is not as apparent as stubborn fat or diastasis recti, but it can still obscure one’s true contours.
Weight Change
Weight fluctuations, especially, can weaken the skin’s dermis and create an overly stretched appearance. Popular weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy are some of the most common reasons many can achieve a healthier weight, but this is often accompanied by the development of lax skin. Other health changes from hormonal fluctuations in the years leading up to menopause cause a dip in estrogen levels, effectively changing body fat composition. With fat atrophy in the abdominal region, the skin can droop downward and never recoil back to its original positioning. Aging in general, has an impact; as soon as an individual reaches their mid-30s, their dermis can experience a decrease in quality collagen, so the skin naturally begins to lose rigidity. (2)
Regardless of your specific concerns, Dr. White is equipped to tailor natural-looking results that address any one of these abdominal cosmetic issues.
Best Candidates
Abdominoplasty offers comprehensive, long-lasting benefits for healthy men and women of any age. The procedure is most appropriate for those who are close to their ideal weight but have loose abdominal skin and fat that will not go away with diet or exercise. Dr. White believes that women can attain the best results if they are completely finished having children.
Individuals bothered by these issues should consider inquiring about the procedure:
- Loose abdominal skin
- Unwanted bulges of fat
- A protruding belly
- Weakened abdominal muscles from aging or pregnancy
- Stretched abdominal muscles from pregnancy or weight gain
Dr. White can conduct a physical exam to determine if you have diastasis recti and find the best surgical approach to correct it using CT, ultrasound, and/or MRI imaging. (3)
Personal Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with Dr. White is the first course of action if you are looking to undergo an abdominoplasty. He believes in conducting a thorough consultation that involves assessing your emotional and physical status, discussing your cosmetic goals, and addressing the various questions you may have. This will allow him to develop a personalized surgical plan.
Before your appointment, you should prepare yourself to speak about your:
- Medical history and conditions
- Current prescriptions and daily supplements
- Previous surgeries
- Previous weight fluctuations and weight loss goals
During the examination, Dr. White will also assess:
- The features and elasticity of your abdominal skin
- Your abdominal muscle functioning and anatomy
- The excess fat in the region
- Any surgical or injury scars in the area
For individuals with limited issues, Dr. White may recommend liposuction, a minimally invasive method of removing subcutaneous fat with suction. He might also suggest a mini-tummy tuck, which involves a shorter incision and focuses on the lower abdomen only. Dr. White encourages his Dallas patients to ask as many questions as they would like to explore all available options before committing to surgery. Regardless of the surgery, he will take the time necessary to discuss the risks involved to help prevent them from occurring.
Prepping for Surgery
Following all instructions to prepare for surgery is essential to promoting quality results. Dr. White’s instructions will include the following:
- Avoid taking certain medications, such as blood thinners
- Cease smoking for at least a few weeks before and following your surgery
- Arrange for a trusted adult to take you home after your procedure and assist in your care for the first 24 hours of recovery
Tummy Tuck Procedure Steps
For your comfort and convenience, Dr. White maintains privileges in several hospitals in greater Dallas/Fort Worth. Abdominoplasty may require a short, one- to two-night hospital stay, though some patients can return home the same day.
Before your surgery, he will administer medication to ensure the most comfortable experience possible. Dr. White uses only doctors (anesthesiologists), not nurses (CRNAs or anesthetists), to administer anesthesia to his Dallas cosmetic surgery patients. He and his surgical team will carefully monitor your health status throughout the procedure and your recovery.
First, he will make a horizontal incision directly above the pubic area, striving to keep the incision within swimsuit lines. He will determine the incision length by how much loose skin needs to be trimmed. During this portion of the procedure, he will separate the skin from the abdominal wall up to the rib area. He will pull and redrape the skin across the pubic area and remove the unneeded excess. Using this same incision, Dr. White will be able to suture the abdominal muscles to repair separation. Utilizing these skin techniques can also remove stretch marks that may be present.
For a “full” abdominoplasty, Dr. White will have to make a small incision surrounding the navel to preserve its positioning in the underlying tissue as he modifies the overlying skin. Upon removing the excess skin, he will make a small hole in the remaining skin and attach the navel to this new area. With tummy tuck alterations, he can also enhance the aesthetic of the navel with his refined techniques.
Immediately after surgery, he will escort you to a recovery area. To prevent fluid accumulation under the skin, he will place small drains, allowing the fluid to exit and reduce swelling more rapidly. Though you will be a bit sore, prescribed and doctor-approved OTC medications can control your discomfort. To protect your tissues, he will apply dressings to the abdomen and secure it using an elastic bandage or surgical tape.
Tummy Tuck Recovery
To encourage quality blood flow throughout your body, Dr. White will encourage you to walk around soon after your surgery. However, you should refrain from bending, lifting, and other strenuous activities. He may recommend sleeping on your back with your knees elevated to improve healing.
Though everyone recovers at a different pace, you should expect to reach these milestones within the first 7 to 10 days:
- Bruising and swelling will peak.
- Dr. White will remove your surgical drains.
- He will remove sutures.
After this initial healing period has passed, you will be able to:
- Gradually increase your activity and exercise
- Resume sedentary work
- Enjoy your results with lessened bruising and swelling
After a few months:
- Your final results will settle in
- Residual tightness and numbness will gradually disappear
- Your incision line will begin to fade.
Final Results
You can expect a significantly flatter abdomen without undesired fat bulges and skin folds. Though the pubic and navel scars will continue to fade over the next year, they will not completely disappear. Luckily, Dr. White places the main incision in a discreet place above the pubic area, so you can confidently wear a bathing suit without fear of showing the scar. With better body image, the benefits of a tummy tuck can extend to multiple areas of your life.
If you continue to keep a steady weight, you can maintain these renewed contours for many years to come. The effects of aging and weight fluctuations may slightly change your abdominal skin over time. You may qualify for a follow-up treatment if any of these changes become significant over the following years.
Cost of a Tummy Tuck in Dallas
The cost of your tummy tuck will depend on your individual treatment plan. Dr. White will give you a detailed quote during your first appointment after carefully reviewing your situation.
To revive the contours of your youth with abdominoplasty, call USA Plastic Surgery at (214) 833-6751 or request to meet with Dr. White with our online form. Our team will guide you through the entire process from consultation to the final day of recovery.
- Hall H, Sanjaghsaz H. Diastasis Recti Rehabilitation. PubMed. Published 2023. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK573063/#:~:text=Introduction-
- Rousseaux I, Robson S. Body Contouring and Skin Tightening Using a Unique Novel Multisource Radiofrequency Energy Delivery Method. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2017;10(4):24-29. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5404777/
- Tung RC, Towfigh S. Diagnostic techniques for diastasis recti. Hernia. 2021;25(4):915-919. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10029-021-02469-7