Liposuction – Body

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Dallas, TX

Liposuction before and after look.  Dr. Steven White.  USA Plastic Surgery.

Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic procedure with a proven track record over many years. Men and women alike have been amazed by this surgery’s capability to remove stubborn fat where exercise, diet, and other attempts have been unsuccessful. Liposuction works by surgically eliminating excess fat from many parts of the body, using a device that suctions fat from underneath the skin. Dallas plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven J. White, is a specialist in fat removal and body contouring and performs many methods of reducing fat and shaping the body. Each unique body is different, and a patient consultation with Dr. White will help gain clarity on the best possible approach to meet your aesthetic goals. Liposuction is commonly used on the hips, thighs, abdomen, flanks, inner knees, arms, and beneath the skin. The results from liposuction typically remain for many years as long as the patient adheres to a healthy lifestyle. 

Before and After Photos

Best Candidates

Surgical liposuction is reserved for patients who are near or at their ideal weight. It is not a solution for weight loss and should not be looked at as a weight loss method. Good candidates for liposuction are men or women who demonstrate:

  • A healthy skin tone with minimal to no excess or sagging skin
  • A reasonable and stable weight
  • Localized excess fatty deposits that diet and exercise cannot improve

What to Expect

Our acclaimed doctor will evaluate the areas of fat that the patient wishes to improve upon. Our team will tailor an individualized treatment plan that lists the areas to address, as well as the desired amount of fat to be removed. During surgery, a device known as a cannula is inserted through the skin and gently removes fat cells. A solution containing local anesthetic and tumescent fluid is introduced beneath the area of concern to help minimize bleeding, bruising and overall patient discomfort. Controlled removal of fluid and fat is accomplished in layers to produce an improved contour. During liposuction, a motor helps control how much fat is removed and at what speed. Fat removal can range from several ounces to a few pounds.

Liposuction Recovery

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. The results will not be evident for several weeks as there will be some swelling after surgery. Compression garments will be required to control the swelling and to help the overlying tissues adapt to the new contour. Patients can return to light activities within 1-2 weeks and can expect a full recovery within about 4-6 weeks. Liposuction does leave a small scar where the cannula was inserted, but it is not noticeable once it fades over time.

Remove Pesky Fat!

Liposuction is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat from the body. If you are battling pesky bulges and areas of fat and are ready for a little assistance to help achieve the look you want, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our surgeon to learn how liposuction can benefit you. Our talented staff will discuss the various options and create a tailored approach specific to your aesthetic goals.



Liposuction is the surgical vacuuming of fat from beneath the surface of the skin. It is used to reduce fullness in any area of the body. It is an excellent method of spot reduction but is not an effective method of weight loss.


The tumescent technique involves injection beneath the skin of large volumes of salt water containing small amounts of adrenaline, a naturally occurring hormone that shrinks blood vessels. By injecting this solution into the fat prior to performing liposuction, the plastic surgeon shrinks the blood vessels thereby reducing and minimizing bleeding, bruising and swelling.


Generally people who have localized areas of protruding fat achieve the most dramatic results. Patients who are slightly overweight can benefit from liposuction. It is best to be at or near your normal weight. Good skin elasticity permits the skin to shrink easily to the reduced contour. There are no absolute age limits for liposuction.


In women, the single most frequently treated areas are the outer thighs, followed by the stomach. In men, the flank area or “love handles” are treated most frequently.


If there is excess fat in the area under the chin and the skin is taut, liposuction alone can produce a more sculpted, angular and youthful jaw line. If, however, the skin of the neck is loose, even if there is excess fat, liposuction alone will not produce the desired result. Patients with loose skin usually require a face and neck lift in addition to or instead of liposuction. In general, most patients who benefit from liposuction of the neck are under 40. Most patients over 40 will require some surgical skin tightening. Learn more about neck liposuction.


Although liposuction is very safe and effective, it is a surgical procedure and can cause complications such as infection, bleeding and nerve damage. In addition, aesthetic complications such as skin irregularity or waviness can occur if too much fat has been removed. Fortunately, complications are uncommon and most patients are satisfied with their results.